When trying to deal with credit card bills that have gotten out of control, usually people turn their attention to one of two things, either credit counseling or debt settlement.
정보이용료 현금화 방법 Both of them are very good ways to keep your credit score healthy. They also allow you to at least in some ways to surpass your contractual agreements with your creditors.
Both options are very different though. So, if you are in a situation where you might need to use one of these options, it is important that you understand the differences so that you can eliminate your credit card debt quickly and efficiently.
Credit Counseling – For the most part, it isn't counseling at all. Basically, the "counseling" is done by
non-profit companies who have set up arrangements with most major creditors. The arrangement is pretty simple. Because they are non-profit, the creditor is able to write off any sort of concession that provide you with as a "donation" for the most part. So, the credit counseling agency, will take all of your debt, lump it together, and then negotiate with everyone of your creditors individually. In most cases, the creditors will give deep interest snack bars. You in turn send your payment per month to the credit counseling organization, who then forwards your repayments to the various creditors that you owe. Normally, you can shave a significant amount off of the total you borrowed from, and pay your debt off years sooner than you would have.
Debt settlement – This is pretty much just what it says. You offer the credit card company a sum of cash to be in the debt. So, lets say you experienced $5, 000 in credit card debt with one creditor. You could realistically settle that debt for 50% : 60%. The only downside is, they normally won't accept any sort of payment arrangement on a settlement. So, once the offer is accepted, the settled amount is born in full, typically within 14 business days.
Regardless of which option you go with, it is always advisable to have someone working in your part. This is done through alternative organizations that specialize in matching people up with appropriate credit counseling or debt settlement firms. Usually, just by requesting a few simple questions, they have a grasp of your situation and which option is right for you. They then, give you the name and contact number of an appropriate organization for you to work with.
Getting a recommendation like this will in ensure that you are not working with a company that might scam you, as the referring company almost always has a long standing relationship and understanding
of the various organizations in their network.