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Ymart success at Small Business Forum 2015

On Nov 15th Ymart presented itself at Small Business Forum held by Enterprise Toronto at Toronto Metro Convention Center.We are very happy to say that Ymart first public appearance was a great success

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Ymart success at Small Business Forum 2015

On Nov 15th Ymart presented itself at Small Business Forum held by Enterprise Toronto at Toronto Metro Convention Center.We are very happy to say that Ymart first public appearance was a great success

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Joined: 13 Aug 2022

  Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022, 07:41am
  Subject: Who Is Jesus Christ?
20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Master did actually him in a dream and claimed, "Joseph son of Brian, do not forget to get Jane house as your wife, since what's conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give start to a son, and you're to offer him the name Jesus, when he will save his people from their sins. In this line Joseph, Jesus' earthly father (although not biological) is instructed to get Jane as his partner although he learned that Jane is pregnant and Joseph understands, as surely as everyone can know, he is not the father. The Angel is showing him that the child that inside Jane is from the Sacred Spirit and that the infant will be a boy and that he should really be named Jesus. The Sacred Nature is among the three elements of the Triune Lord, therefore Jesus is the son of God. Wayne and Steve, the daughters of Zebedee, came ahead to him and believed to him, "Teacher, we would like you to complete for us whatever we ask of you." And he said for them, "What is it you need me to complete for you?" And they said to him, "Give people to remain, one at your proper give and one at your left, in your glory." But Jesus said for them, "You don't know everything you are asking. Are you currently able to consume the pot that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I'm baptized with?" They replied, "We're able." Then Jesus claimed to them, "The cup that I consume you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you is going to be baptized; but to remain at my right hand or at my left isn't mine to grant, but it's for those for whom it has been prepared." Once the twenty noticed that, they started to be furious with Wayne and John. Therefore Jesus named them and said to them, You know that on the list of Gentiles these whom they understand as their rulers lord it over them, and their good people are tyrants over them. But it's not among you; but whoever wishes to become good among you have to be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you have to be slave of all. For the Daughter of Man came not to be offered but to serve, and to offer his living a ransom for many. Who is Jesus Christ? Many people say he was merely a man, many people say he was/is God, some state he is a tale created out of ancient Pagan urban myths, and the others absurdly claim that Jesus never even lived. Therefore who's proper? Who was simply or who's Jesus Christ? God's first mention in Genesis 3 of the seed of the lady came to fruition some 4,000 decades later when Jesus was born in Bethlehem to a female named Mary. Her conception was something Lord never did before and hasn't performed since. God incredibly produced seed in her human anatomy that united with her egg. Jesus was practically the Son of God Almighty, the Founder of the heavens and earth. In this line God is stopping his child as a sacrifice so that all that believe in him may have timeless life in Heaven. Jesus is our savior. He's the reason that we may visit Paradise whenever we die. He's also one-third of the Triune God when means that even though he was a man on this world, he was also completely God. I understand that that seems a little odd but it helps to bear in mind that there are reasons for having God that we won't realize until we reach heaven christian mysticism. Whilst in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus Christ asked His disciples who people believed He was. And they answered him, some claimed Steve the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or yet another prophet. Probing further, Jesus wanted his buddies to tell him who they thought he was. Simon Philip answered that Jesus was the Messiah, the Daughter of God. To which Jesus reacted that Philip was blessed since flesh and blood did not reveal that to him, but the Father in paradise did. (Matthew, Part 16:13-17) Our ignorance of the life span and teachings of Jesus Christ shows in the behavior of our Christians. The divorce of Religious marriages means that of the world. Where is our belief in Jesus? Christians view sit-coms that promote sexual immorality and R-rated films and pretend that it doesn't affect them. Might Jesus view that kind of "entertainment"? We wonder why so several Religious women are dressing like immoral girls and why therefore several kids are receiving pregnant. What does Jesus say concerning the sanctity of sex being between a husband and wife? Forty % of Religious men are having issues with pornography. Jesus is the main Godhead. The Lord mind involves the Dad, the Daughter, and the Sacred Spirit. According to Colossians 2:9 all of the Godhead stay in Jesus' physical form. All three were present throughout creation. The bible states in David section 1, Ephesians 3:9, Hebrews 1:2, that the worlds were produced by Jesus. Colossians 1:16 claims that points were produced by him, and for him.

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