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Ymart success at Small Business Forum 2015

On Nov 15th Ymart presented itself at Small Business Forum held by Enterprise Toronto at Toronto Metro Convention Center.We are very happy to say that Ymart first public appearance was a great success

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Ymart success at Small Business Forum 2015

On Nov 15th Ymart presented itself at Small Business Forum held by Enterprise Toronto at Toronto Metro Convention Center.We are very happy to say that Ymart first public appearance was a great success

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Joined: 24 Sep 2022

  Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022, 06:50am
  Subject: Presidential Performance in Relation
In this hypothesis, it would decrease to what the polls indicate as the hard core of Bolsonarism, which according to some analysts only gathers around 10% of the voters, the most ideological and radicalized. Its tonic is antipetism, mixed with an American-style anticommunism and the rejection of the "old politics." The polls provide contradictory elements about the popularity of Bolsonaro after the start of the pandemic. It is always important to remember that the best surveys are face-to-face, which cannot be done during quarantine, so cell phones are used, making it difficult to compare data. But given this uncertainty, so far we have no evidence of a drop in government approval after the pandemic, which [url=https://www.latestdatabase.com/fax-lists/]B2B Fax Database[/url] is still hovering around 30%. On the other hand, in recent weeks, the number of people who think that the to the Covid-19 outbreak has been bad or terrible increased from 33% to 45% . It is not yet clear what this third of the electorate that has supported Bolsonaro since the beginning of the government represents. [url=https://www.latestdatabase.com/fax-lists/][img]https://scontent.fdac5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/304948867_457842059737937_8323880466176146858_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=Yybg2IASrMkAX95SQJO&_nc_ht=scontent.fdac5-2.fna&oh=00_AT-ttUcdLKmpk0pqvmPnt2w4Eaa_96xC1RtKG7hpmATLEw&oe=63334C6A[/img][/url] According to an analysis published in Folha de S. Paulo , in the last four months the sectors with higher incomes and education have been moving away from the president, but support has increased among the poorest, as well as among the self-employed and the informal workers. In fact, with the Covid-19 pandemic, Bolsonaro lost support in the middle-class areas that had supported him in 2018. The cacerolazos against the president can now be heard in the neighborhoods that previously supported him.

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